This is one subject that people take great interest in – yet this subject by itself will not do you much good.
The God of Abraham, Moses, Yeshua, David, Sarah, and Samson – YEHOVAH GOD – requires 2 things from us. Genesis 24:7 “All that YEHOVAH has said – WE WILL DO! ..AND WE BELIEVE!” God wants us to do what he tells us to do, and believe what he tells us to believe. Pretty simple stuff.
But what does any of that have to do with the prophesied evil man Judaism calls “The Beast”, Christianity calls “The Antichrist”, and the Bible calls “The Man of Sin”? Well, my guess is “The Man of Sin” will NOT be doing what God says to do, or even believe what God says. But that’s just my guess. What is IMPORTANT is this topic should lead us to hear & believe (shama) and do (asah).
The Bible does tell us this man will be haughty. (Sorry, no Bible verses tonight – I have to get up in the morning & go to work – YOU look ’em up yourself!) Haughty does bring to mind certain world leaders – both current and recent past leaders.
The Bible calls this man the “Man of Sin” and the “Son of Perdition”. The only other person called “the Son of Perdition” in the Bible is Judas. Judas was possessed by the Satan itself for a short time. Literally “The Man of Sin” = “The Man of Lawlessness”. This person will NOT obey God’s Law. (Remember THAT the next time some churchy SUNday church person tells you “we aren’t under the LAW anymore”!)
The Bible also says the NAME of this man will number “666”. This is where it gets fun! You see, there are hundreds (Yes, HUNDREDS) of internet experts, YouTube experts, and religious experts that will tell you it is “SO AND SO”.. here are just a few examples: Prince Charles, Barrack Obama, Donald Trump, Bashar al-Assad, Justin Trudeau, Emmanuel Macron, Nicolas Sarkozy, Ratzinger, Bergoglio, Tai Lopez.. AND THEY ALL HAVE ONE THING IN COMMON! Their name does NOT add up to 666! NONE of ’em! That’s correct – nada – zilch, zero! So at this point, we have a VERY good idea who is NOT the Antichrist.
Is there ANY man alive now, in a position of power, possibly in the Middle East, possibly NORTH of Jerusalem
(a.k.a. – “The King of the North”) that is a bit cocky or haughty and whose name adds up to 666? Yes, his name is Recep Erdogan, the current President of Turkey. Don’t believe it?
Check it out… link to the 666 calculator:
I tested this out, and only one family member was a 666 – “Buster Dog” my Beagle. Yes, “Buster Dog” is a “Beast”, and keep an eye on that beast Recep Erdogan of Turkey, too.
T. Harvey